Professional Services

Direct Computer Resources’ executives have been industry leaders in data management for more than 30 years, offering guidance and training with rapid ROI. Our professional support staff will help you assess your enterprise information risks, design and implement your data protection solution and train your staff to move forward with confidence, all with minimal to no interruption to ongoing business processes.

Consulting, Solution Design and Implementation

The DCR Professional Services team works with you on a multi-phase implementation lifecycle customized to your organization which includes six standardized benchmarks for quality control:

Identification of all critical requirements and elements within your environment to define an appropriate solution.

Assimilation of the collected information to evaluate and develop multiple, alternative solution designs.

A finalization of the design, product implementation plan and solution standards (such as object locations, naming conventions and process definitions). The overall project plan is revisited and revised as needed.

Build, implement and test the solution.

Training and Transition
Documentation the solution, staff training based on their assigned roles, verification of staff capabilities with the solution, including in-house, train-the-trainer and system administration roles.

On-Going Support
As long as you are using your DataVantage® product, we will provide support for the software or any other aspect of your solution.

Training for DataVantage® Products

Knowledgeable, well-trained associates are crucial to the success of your data management and data masking solution. DCR Professional Services provides training focused on individual job roles with content customized to reflect your solution design. We offer onsite training at your location or remotely via our on-line training modules.

DCR training addresses staff members with various roles:

Solution Users
Who: Staff members who will use a solution that is implemented and maintained by others.
Training: Training focuses on the functionality of the solution, the design standards and process adherence.
Subject Matter Experts
Who: Staff members who will maintain and extend the solution within the implemented design.
Training: Training focuses on implementation standards and how to extend the solution so that it remains consistent with users' expectations. In addition, train-the-trainer sessions for selected staff is provided to individuals who will assume in-house training roles post-implementation.
Solution Administrators
Who: Staff members who are tasked with maintaining the solution within the operational environment, such as UNIX or z/OS system administrators.
Training: Training focuses on how to propagate solution elements across your environment while maintaining the solution's design standards and implementation consistency.

Solution Designers
Who: Staff members who will design new solutions, such as masking solutions to protect application data repositories.
Training: Training focuses on relevant theory and practical applications using the selected DataVantage® solution.

DataVantage® Software

Mainframe — Data Masking and Data Management:
 DataVantage DME®
 DataVantage® for Db2
 DataVantage® for IMS

Distributed Systems — Data Masking and Data Management:
 DataVantage Global®

View and Edit Micro Focus COBOL Files:
 DataVantage AdVisEr®
 ES File Editor™