DataVantage® Software: Industry-Leading Solutions for Data Masking, Data Management and Data Access, Visualization and Editing

DataVantage DME® Data Masking Express: Flexible Pricing Options Tailored for You

DataVantage DME aligns your data masking needs with flexible pricing options (Usage, Tier, MIPS) that protect your data and your software investment.

Data Masking in Mainframe and Distributed Environments

Risk Reduction, Regulatory Compliance, Cost Management

DataVantage® software solutions for Data Masking and Data Management allow you to mask, de-identify, obfuscate, view, copy, manage and test data in both mainframe and distributed computing environments. These flexible, scalable, efficient and affordable tools mask sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and private company information. Once masked, the realistic-looking datasets generated from production data can be used for non-production purposes such as application development, testing, training, and CRM applications. DataVantage solutions enable your organization to protect critical data while minimizing data breach risks and data compliance expenses.

DataVantage® Software:

  • Contains data masking functions that employ the latest encryption-based algorithms enabling reproducible and irreversible transformations.
  • Preserves logical relationships in the data and ensures that protected data cannot be reverse-engineered.
  • Quickly exploits available metadata to generate reusable components.
Mainframe Environments Distributed Environments

DataVantage DME® Data Masking Express
DataVantage® for Db2
DataVantage® for IMS
DataVantage® for VSAM

  • Install and run as applications
  • Independent of database structure subsystems and z/OS versions
  • Masks data on-the-fly during the Copy process


DataVantage Global®

  • De-identification, cloaking, substitution and more
  • Operates as a 100% pure Java solution
  • Communicates with data sources, including Oracle, Sybase, Informix and others via JDBC drivers and other middleware


DataVantage vs the Competition

DataVantage software outperforms every competitor for tasks in the table below. All product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

DataVantage® for Db2
The Affordable and Effective Solution to Mainframe Software Price Increases
Data Management Functions Db2® DataVantage® for Db2 Broadcom CA File MasterTM Db2 Compuware File-Aid® Db2 IBM File Manager for z/OS® Db2
Table Search and Display
View Columns and Rows
Edit Columns and Rows
Compare Tables
Copy Tables with Selections by Column and Row Column Only
Copy Tables with Masked Options Additional Product Needed
Copy Tables RI and Application Integrity Connections
Copy Tables to Different SSIDs
Display/Change Table Objects Additional Product Needed
Grant and Revoke Privileges
Column Update Like ‘Where/Replace’
SQL Processor
DataVantage® for IMS
The Affordable and Effective Solution to Mainframe Software Price Increases
Data Management Functions IMS® DataVantage® for IMS Broadcom CA File MasterTM IMS Compuware File-Aid® IMS IBM File Manager for z/OS® IMS
Provide Field Definitions of Segments… Copy Book
Edit Segments from the Hierarchy FSE
Edit Segments (Insert, Change, Delete)
Count Segments and Data Values
Edit-List Option… CSV Output
1 step

2 steps
Compare Segments of DBs
Copy DB with Selections… Segments, Fields, Keys, Max Entries
Copy Segments with Mask Options Additional Product Needed Additional Product Needed
Copy DB to Target DSNs
DataVantage® for VSAM
The Affordable and Effective Solution to Mainframe Software Price Increases
Data Management Functions VSAM® DataVantage® for VSAM Broadcom CA File MasterTM VSAM Compuware File-Aid® MVS IBM File Manager for z/OS® VSAM
Copy Book Support
Edit Records
Edit Records (Insert, Change, Delete)
List Option… CSV Output
Compare Files
Copy Files Selections… Record Types, Fields, Max Entries
Copy Files Mask Options
Batch Processing for above Functions

Data Access, Visualization and Editing for Mainframe Rehosting

DataVantage AdVisEr® (Advanced Visualizer and Editor) enables advanced functionality to replace mainframe data browsing and editing utilities lost during mainframe rehosting and application modernization initiatives. DataVantage AdVisEr helps to accelerate data integration once applications and files are moved into Linux, Unix or Windows environments. DataVantage AdVisEr enables users to access, view and edit indexed and sequential COBOL files when migrating mainframe applications and files with either Micro Focus or NTT DATA’s UniKix Mainframe Re-Hosting Software.

Data Management and Administration Features

  • Automated conversion of COBOL copybooks and program specifications to provide metadata or file descriptions.
  • Data filtering options at both the field and record level.
  • Complete compatibility with EBCDIC and ASCII character sets.
  • Data can be edited one record at a time, or over the entire dataset.
  • Compatible with other databases and file types (using additional/optional drivers).


DataVantage® Software

Mainframe — Data Masking and Data Management:
 DataVantage DME®
 DataVantage® for Db2
 DataVantage® for IMS

Distributed Systems — Data Masking and Data Management:
 DataVantage Global®

View and Edit Micro Focus COBOL Files:
 DataVantage AdVisEr®
 ES File Editor™